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September 11 - Sangha Gathering

Join us on Wednesday, September 11th at 7pm EST/ 4pm PST for a thoughtful Sangha call.

All are welcome.

“You’re imperfect, and you’re wired for struggle,

but you are worthy of love and belonging

        Brene Brown

As human beings we are possessed with a natural, inborn powerful need to belong. We live our life’s searching to satisfy that need by joining, searching and sometimes surrendering to people, places and things. When we believe we are left out, we can experience painful feelings of rejection. As elders this can be especially common and deeply troubling. How do we react? Do we become more aggressive? Withdraw? Rationalize the feelings away?

This week at our Sangha Zoom gathering, we will be exploring the powerful feelings related to the need to belong. Please join us. 

With Gratitude - The Contemporary Elder Sangha

Zoom link:

August 14

August 14 - Sangha Gathering

September 25

September 25 - Sangha Gathering